David Cook

David Cook was my 4th American Idol I have shot in the last year. He was really pleasant to work with and was great about letting us crash his studio. A funny thing he told me was that photographers can pull off wearing denim shirts, I need to remember to send him one.  Check out his interview done by the incredible Joelson’s here.

David Cook’s fans are the best fans out there. You guys made my day and almost crashed my blog. The blog has been up for not even a full day and its at 7,000 views. Thats almost half of what I got all year. Would love to work with this dude again. Thanks for all the kind words today. I am so happy to share this shoot with you guys!!!!


Filed under Best Fans in the world!!!!, David Cook, David Cook twitter, Editorial, Music, Portrait, Uncategorized

163 responses to “David Cook

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention David Cook | -- Topsy.com

  2. imogenPH

    These are fantastic photos, thanks for posting them. I love the colors, there’s something almost lomographic about them 😉 Greetings from all David Cook fans in the Philippines!

  3. ladynsearch

    Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful photos of David Cook.
    You work magic with your camera. You really captured the essence of David.
    Love these so much!
    I will say it again – I think I died and went to heaven 🙂

  4. Pingback: DC:josephllanes拍摄的新图一组。 « Davids' Only

  5. myheadsupintheair

    Beautiful pictures of a beautiful man! I especially love the ones with him behind the piano. Thanks so much for sharing!

  6. Abbyrocky

    Wonderful pictures of David! Thanks so much for sharing them!

  7. Good Karma

    These are great! Yes, someone should send Mr. Cook a denim shirt!

  8. Teddy

    I love the lighting in these shots! Great play on shadows, and I love the juxtaposition of the moody and the goofy. You really captured the personality of your subject here, and Cook looks stunning. Nice work!

  9. rrprieto

    Very impressed with your work . Awesome job of capturing the many sides of David – from the very funny to the oh so serious. I bet David is thrilled .

  10. Chris Goes (pipercookie)

    Thanks for the beautiful for photos of this amazing guy we all love !! ❤
    He looks adorable as usual !! 😀

  11. lovethemusic

    Beautiful pictures of a fantastic artist. Thank you for sharing.

  12. MelissaDSimons

    Great photoshoot! Thank you for sharing!!
    #4 is my fave!

  13. Thank you for sharing these amazing photos of David.
    Your work is brilliant.

    Thanks again!!

    • Norma Rose

      Hey David, Just wanted to tell you that you come across as the ‘real deal’ and I love your passion for your music. Great photos.

  14. Pingback: D Man Has Been Hiding In The Mountains… The Mountains Of Fashion « Rocco's Pop Revolution: Seen through the eyes of someone living it

  15. Pingback: Tweets that mention David Cook | -- Topsy.com

  16. Leena

    Thank you for these great photos! He has at least 1,000 expression to show in photos and on stage! Everybody always seems to mention also, what a great and nice person he is. Thank you again!!

  17. Rosemary

    Love all the photos, esp. the ones in the studio. Thanks for sharing.

  18. I really love love love love these pictures: David Cook in his element!! He’s just the real deal, that’s why I’ve been a fan for 3 years and counting. My favorite picture? The one with the goofy face (the 4th one), he is so adorkable and your lenses captured that perfectly. Can’t wait for the new album. Joseph, MUCHAS GRACIAS for sharing these COOKie crumbs. =)

  19. Chris

    Great photos sir!

  20. karmachameleon

    I will have to say these are some of the best shots I have seen taken of David. They seem so candid, relaxed and natural. Thanks so much for sharing them.

  21. Lizann49

    Thank you for sharing your amazing pictures of David. I love seeing him having fun and in his element. I have yet to see a bad picture of him. The camera just loves him. And you photos are so fun. I know that you all had a great time doing this.

  22. jayelgee1

    Thanks for these wonderful, fun, moody and beautiful photos of David Cook. He is such a photogenic subject. And you have captured all of his moods that are so charismatic.

  23. melikey

    Congrats, Joseph! You’re a very talented photographer with a dream subject in David! I’m kinda enamoured with the black and white ones =)
    Thanks for sharing!

  24. christinekearney

    I am HOPING you will be taking MORE photos of David Cook in the near future ! His new tour will soon be here !!!! Lots of press is sure to follow !!!

  25. é um perfeito, né? nao existe coisa mais linda nesse mundo!
    eu queria ele só pra mim, mas eu vou ficar só na vontade :/
    podia vir pelo menos pro Brasil, né David? 😀

  26. Hey David, could you get any cuter?

    Oh wait, that’s impossible! 🙂

    By the way, awesome work Joe.

  27. Thank you for sharing these amazing pictures of David!!! I can’t wait to see more 🙂

  28. Lisa

    Thank You so much for sharing these photos of David Cook. They are simply amazing!! 🙂

  29. N89spirit

    I love the new picture 🙂 he looks amazing and I’m super excited for the new album 🙂

  30. KCK

    Great photos! Thank you 🙂

  31. Maria

    Thanks for these wonderful photos! Love the man, love his music! I hope David knows how much his devoted fans will always love him and his amazing voice.

  32. Safroniamay

    Cook’s the dude! Thanks for great photos.

  33. Jas

    Beautiful Man. Beautiful Photographs. Thank-You!

  34. jennykeev

    Love your pictures of David!! You captured his awesome personality perfectly! He looks great! Thanks so much!!

  35. jackie

    Love the photos, thanks so much for sharing!

  36. Susan

    Great photos of Mr. Cook. Thank you!

  37. Kayla

    Thanks for your amazing shots. David’s fans are VERY supportive of everything he does.

  38. sky

    Thanks for posting the pictures. They are great

  39. Patricia

    What an amazing talent you have with a camera! Of course if not for the subject, I may never have checked these out. Thanks for sharing!

  40. zeny

    Love, love all the pictures. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  41. Jovelyn

    love the pictures! love all the shots =)

  42. darla

    Beautiful pictures! Thank you so much for sharing them….they are fantastic.

  43. Kat

    Thanks so much for the photos of our sweet David :). I love seeing him work ❤

  44. Pingback: David Cook Sophomore Album Era

  45. Beth

    What fantastic pictures! Cook looks gorgeous as always, but the sexiest ones are of him focused and at work. I am absolutely salivating for his next record.

  46. minstrel

    Great pix. Would love to know what prompted the introspective, neoclassical pose in the image you tagged as your favorite. It’s beautifully composed, lit and captures a different aspect of the subject. Thanks for sharing these.

  47. Shari

    I think you captured the serious and goofy sides of David Cook brilliantly! Thank you for sharing your photos with us.

  48. yzrock_up

    awesome pics.. thanks..

  49. Christy

    Thank you so much for sharing these incredible pictures with us!!

  50. Linda

    AWESOME! Great pics!!!

  51. A true artist knows how to capture and portray another artist in the most favorable light. Thank you for sharing these.

  52. Nicole

    Thank you for sharing your art with us, Your pictures are amazing, Next should be Album Cover. Stay Tuned !!

  53. DB

    If you get another chance to shoot more pics, encourage him to cut that hair and beard! Tell him you want to try something new 🙂 #lovemesomecleancutdave

    • Kellie D.

      I agree! Scruff is better than a full beard, and uncover that upper lip please! And yes the hair def needs a trim on top!

  54. Taylor

    Thanks for all the AWESOME photos of David!! I love seeing him candid in the studio like this. Great work, sir.

  55. Jen

    Thanks so much for sharing your photos, Joseph. You have a great eye, and really captured all the different sides of David that his fans have come to know and love.

  56. Jane

    These pics are gorgeous, goofy and, as others have noted, really capture David’s personality, at least as his fans know it. So glad you are enjoying the love from his fans – hope you get to photograph him again – would love to see more of your photos of him in future! Thanks so much for sharing them with us!

  57. Tara

    Thank you for all of the David pictures! You really got some great shots (but you had a great subject as well). Thanks for sharing them.

  58. Ayela

    Joseph, Thanks for the pics. You did a great job of capturing some of the many sides of Dave – from the serious musician to the regular dude to the major goofball. Love ’em all.

  59. Christine

    Thank you so, so much for sharing these – you do beautiful work!

  60. Lissette

    Thank you for capturing David in his element. Beautiful pics of a beautiful subject. Your work is amazing! 🙂

  61. I’m not eloquent in writing praises, or anything for that matter [lol], but I’ve got to thank you for the wonderful pictures! I’ve got to, ya know 🙂

    And, just a heads-up, prepare for a real crash to your blog when you publish your album cover shoot 😀 I’m not kidding. Lol. Thank you again, Sir! Your work is our delight!

  62. HeyJoanieB

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful pics with us. David is an amazing artist and your photo shoot is amazing as well. You are very talented. Thank you for capturing the many faces that is David Cook.

  63. A

    Thank you very much for the wonderful photos. They are incredibly artistic and beautiful. If you ever get a chance, please let AOL and David’s management and label know what kind of response your blog received. We hope they realize how much we fans are anticipating his new album.

  64. gina acampora

    Just AWESOME.THX a bunch….isn’t he great…that Dave! So proud to be a fan,welcome aboard…enjoy the ride!!!

  65. Thanks so so so much for adding more pics. But are you trying to kill us? lol Just kidding. They are all stunning! You must become David Cook’s permanent photographer. Really captured him and his various sides. You are the best I have seen. I am so glad you got to meet David and enjoyed working with him. He is a true sweetheart. Thank you for saying what you did about us fans. So appreciate it!
    Congrats on the hits! So funny that we almost crashed it. I wonder what the number will end up at. 🙂
    p.s. Thanks for taking the time for that great collage. I love love it!

  66. Anodyne

    Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures. You did an amazing job. 🙂

  67. Dawn Bailey

    Thanks so much for the wonderful Pics! David is looking fantastic as always . I am so excited to hear his new music I know it will blow us all away!

  68. Suenee

    Yum Yum Yum these pics are better than a box of chocolates. Just in time for Valentines, Thanks

  69. Joy

    These pictures are amazing! Wow!! You did such a great job with them.

  70. follia

    Thank you for these beautiful pictures of David. You’ve captured all the moods and expressions we fans have come to associate with him. As a group of fans we have lamented the fact that professional photographers haven’t gotten him. The fan pictures taken on tour have generally been more authentic and attractive. But you’ve done a truly professional job. These aren’t just pictures. They are closer to art.

  71. AC

    Thank you for sharing this pictures with us! Such a great job. Can’t wait for the next one. Thank you so so much. 🙂

  72. Shay Cook

    Thanks for putting up these great pic of David Cook!!! (^_^) These pics made my day and week…

  73. Meg

    Thank you so much for sharing these amazing photos. You’re a fantastic photographer with a wonderful eye.

  74. Tricia

    WOW!! These are stunning!! Thank You so much for sharing your wonderful pics!!! Love from NB, Canada ❤

  75. Becky

    These shots are gorgeous. I really think you are the first photographer that “got” David. You captured all sides of his personality goofy, serious, vulnerable and sexy

  76. Abbey

    I think you’ve just become the Cook fandom’s favorite photog. Great, wonderful, beautiful photos of our favorite guy. Never underestimate the power of DC!

  77. Eve

    Thank you so much for sharing these pictures. I think you can tell how much they mean to us!

  78. mrssmartypantz

    Woo hoo! Bonus photos? Oh, Joseph you may have just won the whole fandom over in one fell swoop. Gorgeous shots, each and every one. Thanks for sharing them – especially the very cool collage at the end. Hello new screen saver.

  79. Pingback: David Cook (via ) « annethemmick

  80. Xenasmom

    You captured the impish David so well…he’s a gorgeous goofball. Thanks so much!

  81. socooked

    Everyone has already said it, but I’ll say it again. Thanks so much for the fantastic pictures of David, and thanks for saying nice things about his fans. We love our guy and we love your pictures of him. I especially love the goofy ones. He has a delightful goofy side and it’s really nice to see sometimes. You captured it well. Oh, and thank you for adding more pictures to the site! What a treat!

  82. Missjoanne30

    Wow such beautiful pictures of a very beautiful man!! Thank you sooo much for sharing them with the fans!!

  83. I love all of your photos David! I look forward to whenever you have a concert in the North Eastern Ohio area. That would be just great! You are an American Idol!!

  84. I love your photo shoot David. I can’t wait till you have a concert in the greater Cleveland area or North East Ohio.

  85. V

    Hi! Really appreciate you sharing your wonderful work with us fans! David looks so natural and happy in these. Also, thanks for your kind words! 🙂

  86. Sybilseer

    Thank you for all these pictures of David Cook,great job~~

  87. Libby Fradkin

    Wow! Amazing pics! You sir, are awesome. Thanks So much for sharing with the fans!
    Hugs from Argentina!

  88. mcjllane

    thank you so much for sharing all these pictures of our dearest David. The pics are all amazing.

  89. Rho

    Thank you soo much, Joseph for all the wonderful photos of our guy!!! We miss him and this helped!!! You really captured his essence and different sides of his personality very well!!! The shot of David against the blue wall…beautiful! Like a work of art! You are indeed very talented!!! Thank you again!

  90. yjkuhl

    Love the latest pics of our David. You just didn’t post enough. Sorry, we just can’t get enough.

  91. Stephen Chang

    I’m so happy!!!
    U have updated!!!
    Love David Cook so much!

  92. earlybird

    Gorgeous photos of our gorgeous David, thank you so much for sharing! You have captured the essence of him. Such delicious pictures, wow! You should be the one to take his album cover photo!

  93. JMB

    Beatiful work – beautiful subject!
    Thank you very much for sharing!

  94. tina

    thank you for killing us (in a positive way of course..lol),anyway a big big thanks for sharing all those amazing pics. now i’m really excited to see the album cover pics..can’t wait.

  95. cookfantoo

    I can only repeat what my fellow David Cook fans have likely already said – your work is wonderful and you have captured my favorite artist in several interesting moods. Thanks for sharing them with us, and add me to those who would like you to do some more shoots with him – for the CD, perhaps?

  96. K

    Very unique photos. Love the one against the blue screen. Could and should be the album cover.

  97. Anodyne

    Thank you for sharing these awesome pictures. You did an amazing job. 🙂

  98. alina

    ~such fantastic photos! it’s surprising to see you’re just being cookified now since you really seemed to capture a lot of what makes david cook david cook. amazing!

  99. rascalete

    Thank you so much for all the great pictures of David and the nice Blog.. You really were able to capture his expressions and emotions. It seemed like everyone had a fun time and we really appreciate you sharing them with us. I am glad that you were able to enjoy all the posting today with us, David could only have great fans right.hehe

  100. Cimorene

    These are really lovely. Thank you for posting them! While we fans might argue that the beauty (both inner and outer) of such a photogenic subject would have made taking such wonderful photos an easy task, I can definitely appreciate the artistry and craft you’ve applied to your work. Well done, sir!

  101. This fandom has millions of gorgeous pictures of David Cook, but you Sir have captured the essence of his inner being! Love seeing him at work loving doing what he was meant to do! A Natural at all he does and Im so lovin ALL that he is!

  102. candleria

    You truly captured Daves charisma in those photos…all I have to say is Thank You..Thank You..and Thank You : )

  103. Alyssa

    Thank you SO MUCH for the wonderful pictures! Totally made my day!

  104. Joseph, thank you for these beautiful photos of a beautiful man. Like someone else says “just in time for Valentines’ day”. This shoot was so sexy, goofy, serious and moody. Everything this talented artist, awesome songwriter and singer and down-to-earth beautiful person, david Cook is! Thanks again, come back soon and do it again 🙂

  105. sumarniz

    Excellent work. Your pictures made my week! Thank you.

  106. PNW_pattieann

    Awesome pics! Thanks for giving us a glimpse into the studio.

  107. Susan

    Wow! More pictures. Thank you sir!

  108. I’m not a huge Cook fan, but I’ve gotta say that these are gorgeous!

  109. Pingback: [Wallpaper] David Cook – BLUE

  110. marina

    thanks so much for the fantastic photos of David!

  111. myheadsupintheair

    Thanks for the additional photos! You’re the best! I especially love the one you had originally tweeted and titled blue wall. Thank you for posting the original shot. It’s gorgeous.

  112. carol

    I can’t stop looking at the Blue Wall pic. It is intriguing. Thank you for capturing this unguarded sensual moment.

  113. KW

    Thanks so much, Joseph. Your photos of David are so fun. I hope you will work with David again, too. Thanks for sharing your work with us. We are getting very anxious for David’s new album and these photos have helped fill in the gap.

  114. Rawan

    Those photos are amazing! You’re very talented, sir. Thanks for sharing. Love David Cook. =)

  115. esther

    amazing, fabulous photoshoot! the colouring is so beautiful! you captured so many different sides of him. also lol, i was just thinking how i’d love to get a closer look at his shoes, and then i saw the picture you took, showcasing them! haha, you read my mind. 🙂 i hope you do work with him again!

  116. Fergie

    I’ll pile on a few more thanks……You have a wonderful eye for detail, color and composition. Without question some of the best professional photos of David that I’ve seen.

  117. Trishabunny

    Thank You for sharing your Amazing Pictures of David =)

  118. T

    Wowza! Really good pictures of Cook here. Saw them posted at mjsbigblog and clicked to see the rest. Very exciting that promo for his album is starting. Will these be used for the album cover then?

  119. janlin1

    Beautiful photos. You truly captured the essence of David Cook. These photos are awesome. Thank you.

  120. IluvDCyes

    I love David Cook….enough said!

  121. MJMN

    What am I missing? I don’t like the pics. David doesn’t look good in a beard. He’s a cute guy, but you can’t see his face. David, please shave and stop making goofy faces.

    • jan

      I like his goofy faces.

    • socooked

      I love his beard and I love his goofy faces. What are you missing? A sense of humor and an appreciation for goofy fun. The happy child that David once was and who still lives inside him is still readily available to him. The sexy grown man that is is now is in charge, but I love that all of his personality is right there, ready to be serious or ready to come out and play. Someone apparently told you to grow up and you took it way too far.

    • IluvDCyes

      I don’t care for the pics either, and I love David with all of my being. Reading all these posts I am in the minority and it is not easy for me to type this.

      • IluvDCyes

        This blog is for comments….99% (estimate) are positive and the rest are not. Just impressions/opinions that is all 🙂

  122. Thank you so much for sharing the shoot with us.

  123. Wow awesome, thanks for the pictures

  124. Melissa

    I know I am repeating what has already been said, but….
    Thank you so much for sharing your photos. They are amazing. I love that you caught the different sides of David’s personality. Hoping you get the opportunity to do more w/him.

  125. Karen

    You have done an amazing job capturing David on camera – from his silly to his serious side, with plenty of behind-the-scenes glimpses of the studio. Thanks for sharing more of them with us too. Kudos on a job well done!

  126. Pat

    Gorgeous subject, amazing photos by an amazing photographer. I just adore David Cook and Joe for taking such wonderful pictures of David!

  127. Thank you for sharing your photos of David Cook with us. Great job. Love the ‘goofy’ face pic – it’s so ‘David’… But, the most beguiling is the blue wall pic.

  128. Nico

    I just want to congratulate you on your wonderful photographs! You obviously have great artistic sense.

  129. Mary

    Thank you so much for sharing your photos of David 🙂 They are simply stunning but then again when you have a subject such as David, it’s not surprising. You’ve captured both his inner and outer beauty!

  130. Brandy Therrien

    David, Like everyone commenting here..I LOVE YOU. I think your a wonderful person and a truely generous man. Your charity work is inspirational and people around the world applaud you for all you’ve done. I was shocked to see a photo of you wearing what looks to be snake skin boots and I PRAY that they are not real. Snakes feel pain and suffer a horrifying death, often skinned alive and left to die in order to make such fashions. Please do not wear any kind of animal products and make yourself aware of the cruelty animals endure for fashion. Go to http://www.peta.com and see for yourself. I’m sure you will make the right choice. Thank You, love you and can’t wait for the next album. Keep rocking !!

  131. Amber

    I say no denim shirt for David — actually no shirt at all would be nice!

  132. Leslie

    These are some of the best pictures I’ve ever seen of David. Not just because he’s beautiful, that image has been captured numerous times, but because he’s also goofy and doesn’t take himself seriously. He takes his music seriously though! We can’t wait for the new album.

  133. Harlie

    Had to stop in here to see what all the twitter chatter was about. And…the best photos of David I think I have ever seen. He is quite photogenic which we already knew (lol). However Joseph you have gone beyond the usual viewpoint and seems you have captured David’s personality. Thank you for sharing these.

  134. Peggy

    Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful photographs. You are so talented – it’s unusual for a photo to capture the personality of the subject. I believe you have done so here.

  135. digginoncookie

    Thank you SO much for posting these beautiful pictures. They are amazing. You did a great job capturing Dave’s personality in these shots. I was wondering if you could post a larger version of the pic from the top right corner of the collage. It’s gorgeous and I would love to see it larger. Thanks again. You rock dude! 🙂

  136. jan

    Yes indeed we love our DavidCook. We cannot wait for his album and tour.

  137. Debbie

    Thank you for sharing these amazing pictures of David, they came out amazing. You captured the true David goofy, professional and just gorgous.

  138. Rachel

    Thanks for sharing those gorgeous pictures of David Cook with us. Those are some beautiful pictures. They show many sides of him.

  139. MJC

    Thank you so much for sharing these amazing photos. I saw you mention wanting to shoot his album cover. Well, @RCAPromo’s Twitter just tweeted a link to this blog, so you might want to look into that notion. 🙂

  140. Erin

    Wow!!! great pics… I love him 🙂

  141. Pingback: Top Posts — WordPress.com

  142. N89spirit

    I can’t stop looking at these amazing pix ..great I love it all ❤
    And I love your work you are so awesome 🙂
    Thank you 🙂

  143. Kath

    Thank you for sharing your work, Mr. Llanes. D~ is indeed photogenic. I like to see him working too. That means new record SOON…soon, Dave? Thanks again.

  144. lvmyHBYnDC

    AMAZING – we love this man, partly, because of his approachability, personality and adorkableness (yes, that is a word!). Seeing him behind that piano, can’t wait to see him on stage. Just him, the piano and that voice in the spotlight. Thanks for capturing these moments!! Can I say a special thanks for the boots pic – LOVE THE BOOTS!!

  145. lvmyHBYnDC

    Oh, and yes, David Cook FANS ROCK!!! We love our Word Nerd, Rockstar. The fact that he loves us back and voices his appreciation and shows it on stage has hooked us for life! And the man can SING!!

  146. Anita

    Thanks so much for sharing these photos of David! The are AWESOME! He is such a wonderful human being. I bet he was a treat to work with. Thanks again!

  147. ACDC

    fluffy David is awesome!!*v*
    And you sir,are one FANTASTIC photographer!

  148. CG

    Love these photos!

  149. @bennettgina

    You are one of the most talented photographers I have ever seen. How you captured so many emotions and sides of David is wonderful beyond words! Thank you for sharing your art with his fans. You realize you will have fans now too right?

  150. mainedcfan

    IluvDCyes, you’re not completely in the minority here. I don’t feel these pics are flattering of David either. The lighting is glaring or something, making his features look washed out. Also his hair needs a trim on top, and his moustache & beard thinned out. I do love David, just not these pics. (I hope my comment gets posted….I’ve heard comments are not being posted if they’re not 100% positive. I hope Mr. Llanes is willing to print all opinions!) Thank you.

  151. N89spirit

    I can’t stop looking at these pictures ..they are amazing !!
    And I love you work ..great job 🙂
    Thanks for sharing you are awesome 🙂

  152. Pingback: David Cook Web • www.davidcookweb.com • Your Ultimate Source for Everything David Cook

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